Ios Grand Pool Suites

Mylopotas, Hellas Flagget til Hellas

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  • Svømmebasseng
  • Spa

Om hotellet

Ios Grand Pool Suites, the sister hotel of Ios Palace Hotel & Spa, focuses on a “living the infinite blue” experience offering large private pools and a privileged outdoor setting.

Nestled in the cliff above Mylopotas beach and overlooking the infinite blue of the Aegean Sea, the hotel is amphitheatrically built above a breathtaking setting.

Ios Grand Pool Suites was created with the Cycladic architecture and tradition at heart. Every corner holds a recollection of the Cycladic essence and a part of its very landscape. Local stone -right off its cliff- was used in extend to build the suites blending them harmoniously with the mountainous scenery. Strongly connected with the island, the new hotel stands as the luxury example of its architectural evolution, while featuring infinity pools with breathtaking views of the sea boasts an elevated outdoor living. From the wooden beams on the ceiling and the decorative motifs to the carved arches and the shutters closing inwards, every detail states the infusion of the island’s history and architecture.

Let yourself dream of the iconic views from “The Big Blue” famous movie and prepare yourself to experience the “Grand Blue” of Outdoor Living philosophy.


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