Divine Villa Zakynthos

Laganas, Hellas Flagget til Hellas

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  • Flyplass Athen (ATH): 361 km (5 hours 1 min)

Om hotellet

Just as the word sounds ‘luxury’, it cannot be found just anywhere but in the right places. This doesn’t mean that you have to the ends of the earth to own yours, it’s always at your reach as much as we are at your reach.  There is certainly no better way to delight your wife and children than surprising them with a luxury villa of their dream. We believe you love a good apartment and that’s why we are not just delivering good apartments, but the very best. One thing we also prioritize is the location of properties, you will love the locations of our properties. The Divine Luxury Villa Zakynthos is built on a private plot (measuring 1500 square meters), in the quiet village of Pantokratoras (Laganas). This is a near perfect location as it is quiet and peaceful, and just about 2 kilometers away from the tourist resort of Laganas. The villa is surrounded by well-kept lawns, olive trees and your own private little orchard which includes lemon trees, orange trees and pomegranate trees.

In the exterior, there is a large veranda, a sun terrace, a shaded dining area, a swimming pool with sun loungers and plenty of room for children to play.

Won’t you love to see the total joy in the eyes of your kids as you play in the pool with them? With our villas, you will be able to spend your holidays leisurely by the pool soaking up some sun. You will also be able to enjoy the cool evening breeze on the veranda while sipping a drink or dining al fresco.


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