Ruby Rooms Athens

Athen, Hellas Flagget til Hellas

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  • Flyplass Athen (ATH): 33.8 km (35 mins)

Gjesters vurdering

| 4,6/5
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Om hotellet

The brand new boutique love hotel in the center of Athens that you will love for its modern design and its high aesthetics. It has new, commodious rooms and suites with the comforts of a high standard boutique hotel. The design of the rooms mingles in a special way the eroticism with the modern aesthetics, making them unique in their category. The services, facilities and unparalleled cleanliness of rooms and public areas are another important reason to choose Ruby Rooms Athens for your half night or overnight stay. Rooms and suites feature flat-screen and plasma TVs with private channels, air-conditioned units, hair dryers, and luxury toiletries Ruby Rooms Athens is centrally situated in the center of Athens with easy access from all public transport. They have a discreet back entrance with direct access to the rooms and experienced staff with a spirit of confidentiality and discretion.

Contact us at 2109026163.


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