Victoria Caves

Megalochori, Hellas Flagget til Hellas

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Om hotellet

In the traditional village of Vothonas -Santorini, the Victoria Caves complex invites you to a uniquely designed, luxurious and relaxing environment for a memorable stay. Escape from the uproarious and crowded center of the island and explore the most authentic experience Santorini has to offer. Re-live history as it was written in the traditional cave houses which were once used as wine cellars and patitiria (where the stomping of the grapes used to take place). Carved in the volcanic rocks, each unit harmoniously combines tradition with modern design. Cozy indoor spaces with high quality wooden furniture, one to two bedrooms and outdoor jacuzzi/plunge pools, invite you to discover the enigma of the Aegean phos. The dazzling light that peeps out through the hill of Vothonas, the carved stone that reminds you of a lunar scenery in combination with the whitewashed houses comprise the very soul of this landscape. Enjoy a once-in-a-lifetime experience!


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