Helena Park

Sunny Beach, Bulgaria Flagget til Bulgaria

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  • Svømmebasseng
  • Barnebasseng
  • Restaurant
  • Bar
  • Air condition
  • Treningsrom
  • Spa
  • Barneklubb
  • Flyplass Varna (VAR): 97.5 km (1 hour 33 mins)
  • Flyplass Burgas (BOJ): 29.8 km (28 mins)

Gjesters vurdering

| 4,6/5
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Om hotellet

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There is a great atmosphere of cozy rooms, lovely looking colored gardens and a park. For those who enjoy spending more time under the sun there is an outdoor pool with an amazing program made by experienced hotel animators. Under the shade of the trees you can find a cool solitude where your favorite book will be a pleasant company. Walking through beautiful flower alleys and the fresh greenery of the colorfully landscaped gardens will bring you relaxation and positive charge. The Moby Dick Restaurant offers various breakfasts, amazing culinary delights for lunch and a first-class buffet dinner with drinks included. A children's corner with two private pools, numerous games and programs will make your sea holiday unforgettable!

There is a great atmosphere of cozy rooms, lovely looking colored gardens and a park. For those who enjoy spending more time under the sun there is an outdoor pool with an amazing program made by experienced hotel animators. Under the shade of the trees you can find a cool solitude where your favorite book will be a pleasant company. Walking through beautiful flower alleys and the fresh greenery of the colorfully landscaped gardens will bring you relaxation and positive charge. The Moby Dick Restaurant offers various breakfasts, amazing culinary delights for lunch and a first-class buffet dinner with drinks included. A children's corner with two private pools, numerous games and programs will make your sea holiday unforgettable!

Company Name: BOJ - MTS Incoming Bulgaria -Burgas


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