Estacio Hotel

Olot, Spania Flagget til Spania

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  • Restaurant
  • Bar
  • Air condition
  • Flyplass Barcelona (BCN): 122 km (1 hour 34 mins)

Om hotellet

This hotel enjoys a charming setting in Olot, lying next to the River Fluvia. The hotel is located just 100 metres away from the old station of the Carrilet. Guests will find themselves just 500 metres away from the Pavilion of Olot. A host of attractions can be found just a short distance away from this charming hotel. The hotel lies within easy access of a number of shopping, dining and entertainment venues. This superb hotel extends a warm, friendly welcome to guests upon arrival. The guest rooms are beautifully designed, offering a comfortable setting in which to unwind. The hotel offers a number of facilities and services, catering for the needs of every type of traveller.


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