Secret View Hotel

Thira, Hellas Flagget til Hellas

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  • Restaurant
  • Flyplass Kreta/Chania (CHQ): 303 km (8 hours 28 mins)

Gjesters vurdering

| 4,6/5
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Om hotellet

The swimming pool is a natural extension of the sea, as well as the horizon in the distance. With its architectural design embracing minimalist lines and seamless connections with the natural surroundings, it encapsulates and masterfully exudes the island’s dynamism. The terrain in between brings to mind the role of the active volcano. Everything in perfect harmony, ready to welcome guests into a lively space that will inspire and showcase the essence of hospitality. Colours appease the mind and help guests unwind, preparing them to experience unique moments of relaxation and revitalization. State-of-the-art services only complete the package, making your stay simply unforgettable.


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