Sherry Frontenac

Miami Beach, USA Flagget til USA

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  • Restaurant
  • Bar
  • Flyplass Miami (MIA): 21.4 km (21 mins)

Gjesters vurdering

| 3,4/5
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Om hotellet

The hotel is a landmark on Miami Beach. An oceanfront hotel standing 10 storeys tall and with rooms, it is a gem among the jewels of North Beach. The hotel offers spectacular views of the Atlantic Ocean and the Intracoastal Waterway and is perfectly suited for a relaxing getaway. The air-conditioned establishment welcomes guests in a lobby with 24-hour reception and check-out service. Facilities on offer to guests include a hotel safe, lift access, hairdressing salon, TV lounge, bar, restaurant, conference facilities and Internet access. Room and laundry services, a car park and bicycle hire provide additional convenience.The hotel is a landmark on Miami Beach. An oceanfront hotel standing 10 storeys tall and with rooms, it is a gem among the jewels of North Beach. The hotel offers spectacular views of the Atlantic Ocean and the Intracoastal Waterway and is perfectly suited for a relaxing getaway. The air-conditioned establishment welcomes guests in a lobby with 24-hour reception and check-out service. Facilities on offer to guests include a hotel safe, lift access, hairdressing salon, TV lounge, bar, restaurant, conference facilities and Internet access. Room and laundry services, a car park and bicycle hire provide additional convenience.


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